

We are proud to offer products from a number of high-quality manufacturers that are known in the industry for their superior quality and superior products. We use these products ourselves in the jobs we complete for our own clients, and we stand behind their premier quality and ease of use.

If you’re looking for top of the line plastering materials to complete your own job, we offer the following top brands:

James Hardie

James Hardie

Established as its original company over 100 years ago, James Hardie is a staple in the plastering business for its trustworthy, safe and durable fibre cement boards and siding.


USG Boral

Originating in Australia, USG Boral now has operations in throughout Asia and the United States and has an approximate 16,000 employees on staff. They provide a wide range of cement products, brick and gypsum board items.



Provides top-of-the-line metal components for steel stud partitions and suspended ceilings throughout the world and is committed to excellence in product durability, as well as in the aesthetic appeal of their products.

If you are interested in any of our products, call to speak with one of our sales representatives or plastering experts. We can give you pro tips on which products are suitable for your job, so you can be sure you’re choosing the right option to complete your project. Or, if you’d like us to use the materials ourselves to complete your job, we can discuss the scope of your project to determine how we might best be of service.

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